Taozi ♛ Daydream

Water And A Flame - Daniel Merriweather、Adele



"Water and a Flame", 来自Daniel Merriweather和Adele.

想到这首歌,是因为在电台里听到了一个翻唱版本——Celine Dion. 这位唱歌技巧像机器一般精密的天后大人,把这样一首窝心的歌唱得华丽而毫不动人,不以为耻,反以为荣。她在接受采访时还堂而皇之地把作者Daniel Merriweather给忽略了(“我翻唱了Adele的一首作品,”)而她以这种方式出糗,已经不是一回两回三回四回了。

只是这首歌,恰是四五年前的这个时候非常喜欢的一首。我记得里面的情绪。Daniel Merriweather说这是一首非常私密的作品,是他和女友分手一周后的直白写照。水和火焰的比喻不算新颖,却恒久适用于任何形式的二人关系之中——虽然互补看上去总是美好的的,可两个人的性格愈是分明,分开后的回火也尤其强烈。

Daniel Merriweather和Amy Winehouse一样,是藉由与Mark Ronson合作而出道的一位歌手。彼时Amy Winehouse掀起了一股Northern Soul的复古风潮,而R&B色彩浓郁的Merriweather也自然列队其中——只是他很遗憾地成了没能抢滩的炮灰,只留下了一张均质化水平很高的专辑"Love & War". 其实窃以为他比很多现在还高光着的歌手更好一些,只能说白人灵魂乐对男歌手而言,复古起来实在是费力不讨好。

在2009年那张"Love & War"里,和Merriweather合作的,还是没有出名的Adele. 他们当时的制作人Eg White做主,把这首歌的第二段歌词改成了女性视角,增加了一个维度——可是,如果两个人一样地痛苦,又一样地留恋彼此,为什么他们没有互相弥补,反而撕心裂肺的程度却翻了一倍?

Water and a Flame

Daniel Merriweather feat. Adele

"Love & War"

Seven days has gone so fast,

I really thought the pain would pass.

It's been nearly an hour,

Since I thought of you.

But your not answering the phone,

I'd settle for a busy tone,

At least that I'd know that you're okay.

A girl like you ain't meant to go away.


Now you're gone,

There's nothing else I want.

Now that it's over,

There's nothing else I want.

What have I done,

Looks like I was wrong.

Is everything really meant to change,

I guess we're like water and a flame.

Water and a flame

I'm tired of this empty house,

I need a drink to get me out.

A couple more til I forget your name.

I saw a boy that looked like you,

I didn't know quite what to do,

It took a power of will to break my stare.

I realized what I wanted wasn't there.

Now you're gone,

There's nothing else I want.

Now that it's over,

There's nothing else I want.

Is everything really meant to change,

I guess we're like water and a flame.

Water and a flame

If you see me coming

I look away, I look away

And if your mind is made up

I look away, I will look away

If your worry bound

I'm okay, I'm okay, yes I am

All this sorrow and this pain,

Is going to go away

Now you're gone,

There's nothing else I want.

Now that it's over,

There's nothing else I want.

What have I done,

Looks like I was wrong.

Is everything really meant to change,

I guess we're like water and a flame.

Water and a flame

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